Hi, I’m Barbara Mitchelhill !
Find out about me and my children’s books - new ones, old ones and soon-to-be published ones. There are fun quizzes too, tips on writing and answers to children’s questions.
I began writing first for BBC children’s programmes and then went on to write books for young readers with pictures by that fabulous illustrator, Tony Ross. I’ve written historical adventures for older readers – but my latest book is very different. ‘Rocky Witherspoon has a Plan’ is full of magic which gets mixed up with Rocky’s very ordinary life.
On my website, you’ll find out about my books with tips on writing and answers to those questions children often ask.
New Release!

Rocky Witherspoon Has a Plan
When Rocky Witherspoon’s super special holiday with Dad gets called off, what could be worse? I’ll tell you… Spending a miserable summer in Clifton-on-Sea with Aunt Finella, the weirdest, most awful aunt in the world!